
比村奇石 @Strangestone

月曜日のたわわ その279 『変なTシャツ』 pic.twitter.com/lToObqoltb

2020-06-22 11:59:43
比村奇石 @Strangestone


2020-06-22 12:10:34
兼光ダニエル真 @dankanemitsu

@Strangestone Tawawa on Monday, Ep.279: "Quirky t-shirts" [Japanese text on t-shirt went from “Your huge knockers right here.” to “You knock me out.”]

2020-06-22 12:30:11
Morlock | Zettai Japan @TheMorlock

@dankanemitsu I thought the joke was that the shirt could be read as 大好き. Is this another pun, or am I over thinking the boob joke here?

2020-06-22 13:15:31
兼光ダニエル真 @dankanemitsu

@obesusweebus @TheMorlock Literal translation would be “My breasts are too big.” became “I love you.” The problem with that translation is that it doesn’t hint how the former became the later. There is no commonality between the two phrases that existed in the original Japanese. That's my two cents.

2020-06-22 16:50:55
兼光ダニエル真 @dankanemitsu


2020-06-22 12:33:26
兼光ダニエル真 @dankanemitsu


2020-06-22 12:36:21
兼光ダニエル真 @dankanemitsu

またknockerはknockノック(殴る・叩く)から派生語なので動詞としても活用できます。knock outはノックアウト、つまり叩きのめされてしまうことを意味しますが、「衝撃を受ける」という意味もあり、スラングでは「恋の落ちる」という意味もあります。

2020-06-22 12:40:12
兼光ダニエル真 @dankanemitsu


2020-06-22 12:42:39
Morlock | Zettai Japan @TheMorlock

@dankanemitsu @obesusweebus I didn't make the connection between "I love you" and "you knock me out", but I can see the reason behind it now. Thanks for translating every week!

2020-06-22 21:17:46