槍が降ろうとも737MAXとボーイングの成り行きを見守るまとめ 13

737MAXの件( https://togetter.com/li/1353074 )から続く事故後の経過です。気合さえ続けば随時更新だけどそろそろ終わりたい気もしてきた。 1 https://togetter.com/li/1353882https://togetter.com/li/1369773https://togetter.com/li/1390952https://togetter.com/li/1417710 続きを読む
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サキノハカ @sakino_haka


2022-05-12 12:40:58
Christian Davenport @wapodavenport

From the NASA ASAP: --"There's concern that the certification of Boeing parachutes is lagging behind." --"Staffing levels seem to be especially low" at Boeing. --"No sense of needing to rush to CFT." --Concern with the "dwindling number of Atlas 5 launch vehicles remaining."

2022-05-13 02:44:39
Dominic Gates @dominicgates

Southwest & Boeing officials in 2016 discussed a plan to install a cockpit alert on a single current 737 and then deactivate it once the new MAX entered service Filing says this was to mislead the FAA into believing the alert wasn’t a new feature by @WSJ wsj.com/articles/south…

2022-05-13 01:36:20
Dominic Gates @dominicgates

London financial analysts Agency Partners turn on Boeing's leadership. April note: "A long series of management errors and failures have put Boeing in a parlous position." May note: "Boeing’s profound problems are all of its own making." Who's to blame? "Pilot Error"

2022-05-13 02:37:43
Sean Broderick @AvWeekSean

U.S. govt source says FAA review of latest 787 plan won’t take long: “A lot has been settled along the way.” In other words, FAA has seen/worked most in long list & is looking at recent issues; ensuring nothing new has been introduced. More 🔒: aviationweek.com/air-transport/…

2022-05-13 11:15:27
Reuters @Reuters

EXCLUSIVE U.S. FAA finds Boeing 787 certification documents incomplete -sources reut.rs/3wbaMK7 pic.twitter.com/qHn4wQFzd9

2022-05-14 02:05:15
Eric M. Johnson @byEricMJohnson

The FAA has told Boeing the documentation it submitted to win approval to resume 787 deliveries to airlines is incomplete. reuters.com/business/aeros…

2022-05-14 02:11:05
Eric M. Johnson @byEricMJohnson

A second person said it was too early to say whether FAA concerns would lead to a new delay in resuming deliveries, which have been suspended for the past year due to production flaws.

2022-05-14 02:11:06
Eric M. Johnson @byEricMJohnson

A Boeing spokesperson said the company continues to have a transparent dialogue and work closely with the FAA on the remaining steps. An FAA spokesman declined to elaborate, saying only, "Safety drives the pace of our reviews."

2022-05-14 02:11:07
Jon Ostrower @jonostrower

This was probably not helped by the fact that the 787 submission to the FAA was made in the immediate moments before Boeing reported earnings on April 27, according to several familiar with the timing. twitter.com/Reuters/status…

2022-05-14 03:01:41
Jon Ostrower @jonostrower

Reuters had that same nugget in the story as well, but @theaircurrent has independently confirmed that the submission went in very early in the morning before the 7:30am ET earnings release.

2022-05-14 03:16:21
サキノハカ @sakino_haka

そういうわけで、787の納入再開に向けてボーイングがFAAに提出してた書類が「不備あり」で突っ返されました。787の納入ストップはまだしばらく続くかもしれません。 reuters.com/business/aeros…

2022-05-14 09:16:47
Jon Ostrower @jonostrower

Boeing management needs a reboot after losing its way, Ryanair CEO says (via @cnbc) cnbc.com/2022/05/16/boe…

2022-05-17 00:08:00
Robert Wall @R_Wall

"Seattle needs a reboot. It needs a reboot quickly,” Ryanair boss says of Boeing's commercial airplane unit wsj.com/articles/boein…

2022-05-17 05:45:02
Dominic Gates @dominicgates

“It’s hard to come up with any reason for that other than to deceive the FAA. It’s really appalling.” A Texas lawsuit reveals the influence of Southwest during development of Boeing's 737 MAX seattletimes.com/business/boein…

2022-05-16 23:22:05
サキノハカ @sakino_haka

先日もニュース上がってましたが、ここにきて737MAX問題に新展開です。大口顧客のサウスウエスト航空が、737MAXの認証に向けて進んでいた2016年、パイロットが従来型737から737MAXへ移行する際の追加訓練を避けるためと考えられる提案をボーイングに行っていたというもの。 twitter.com/dominicgates/s…

2022-05-17 23:45:34
サキノハカ @sakino_haka


2022-05-17 23:52:06
サキノハカ @sakino_haka

諸氏もお察しの通り、それをした場合、「従来型737にも同じものを積んだことがある(そして問題なかった)」という実績が生えるので、それは「737MAXから新規に積まれたもの」ではなくなりますよね? 新しいものでなく、問題もなければ、コストと時間のかかる追加訓練なんて必要ありませんよね?

2022-05-17 23:54:30
サキノハカ @sakino_haka


2022-05-18 00:04:35
サキノハカ @sakino_haka


2022-05-18 00:06:40
Dominic Gates @dominicgates

Jetstar Dreamliner grounded after significant lightning damage smh.com.au/business/compa…

2022-05-18 20:37:23
Jon Ostrower @jonostrower

Boeing needs a stronger vision to bounce back from crisis on.ft.com/3Nms250 (via @peggyhollinger @FT)

2022-05-19 08:33:31
Jon Ostrower @jonostrower

History is repeating itself. twitter.com/jonostrower/st…

2022-05-20 02:57:02
Jon Ostrower @jonostrower

The FAA has found Boeing’s documentation to reactivate a key jetliner incomplete, Starliner is on the verge of a crucial test flight, and its CEO is facing withering criticism calling for his resignation. Except it isn’t May 2022, that was December 2019. bit.ly/3LpWgm7

2022-05-20 02:56:44
Marcus Weisgerber @MarcusReports

JUST IN: The New Air Force Ones Are Late, So the Old Planes Need More Cash to Keep Flying, Official Says. Boeing blames the 2-to-3-year on subcontractor and supply problems defenseone.com/policy/2022/05… pic.twitter.com/LRbCtDgtw0

2022-05-19 23:57:24
Christian Davenport @wapodavenport

Starliner enters orbit, headed to space station, but not without a glitch. Tomorrow is another big day for the spacecraft. washingtonpost.com/technology/202…

2022-05-20 11:20:37
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