
landayo @Btts10000

@narusenaru_2434 私はタイ人です。 I am Thai. タイ語を教えます。 I'll teach you some Thai. ไม้(mai)​ Wood ใหม่(mai)​ New ไม่(mai)​ No ไหม้(mai)​ Burn ม่าย(mai)​ Widowed

2021-07-30 16:17:56


NovaVore @NovaVore_Draws

@Btts10000 @narusenaru_2434 My first name is Mai, but I'm not Thai. How do I know which Mai my name is??? ╥﹏╥

2021-07-30 22:58:10


my lovely samoyed joonie @LagunVI

@NovaVore_Draws Copy the next line and paste on Google translate, choose Thai and press speaker. You could find the closed one ☺ ไมค์ ใหม่ ไม่ ไหม้ ม่าย ไหม

2021-07-31 00:08:25


NovaVore @NovaVore_Draws

@LagunVI I have a terrible ear for tonal languages, but I think it's closest to either "new" or "burn." One of these is much cooler than the other...

2021-07-31 01:27:20


akira 🥢 @sneuzhnaya

@narusenaru_2434 I'm Indonesian. I'll teach you how to express feelings in Indonesian. Anjir. Surprised. Anjir. Sad. Anjir. Angry. Anjir. Scared. Anjir. Hurt.

2021-07-30 17:36:38


時貞 @yumito_amber

@Daxen53441880 @sneuzhnaya @narusenaru_2434 I meant "Fuck" is used for every emotions, although a bad word. Is that one not?

2021-07-30 22:11:32

「Fck、これは何?」のように。 = "Anjir、apa ini?"。

The Chosen One 🕑🐑 @HNightwalker

@yumito_amber @Daxen53441880 @sneuzhnaya @narusenaru_2434 It is the same basically. Like, "Fck, what is this?" = "Anjir, apa ini?". A bad, yet convenience word lol

2021-07-31 02:15:32


•Lorea @aerol_08

@narusenaru_2434 I'm Filipino I teach you some Tagalog Very easy. Ba? (what?) Baba(down) Baba(chin) Bababa(going down) Bababa ba? (Is it going down?)

2021-07-30 15:54:06
ばばちゃん @UBUrider

@aerol_08 @narusenaru_2434 I’m Japanese. 私は日本人です My family name is Baba. 私の名字は馬場(ばば)です。

2021-07-30 20:58:52


Ann🐐 @Angry_Ann_

@narusenaru_2434 私はフランス人です I'm french Je suis française フランス語を教えます I teach you some french Je vous apprend un peu de français Mère 母 Mother Mer 海 Sea Maire 市長 Mayor それらをすべて同じように発音します You have to pronounce them all the same! Thank you for teaching

2021-07-30 20:48:48
The Determined Ninja @TheDeterminedN1

@narusenaru_2434 Je suis Français. I am French (Canadian). Je vais t'enseigner un peu de français. I'll teach you some French. Loup[Wolf] Loup[Type of mask] Loup[Bass] Loue[Rented] That was honestly the best I could come up with. The last one is different, but it sounds the same. (^~^;)ゞ

2021-07-30 23:56:57


Ekya~🌸 @Obake_mbe

@narusenaru_2434 私はスペイン人です。 I'm spanish. スペイン語を教えます。 I teach you some Spanish. とても簡単です。 Very easy. Pasar [パサル] 合格 Pasar 経る Pasar 越す Pasar 通る Pasar 寄越す Pasar 伝わる Pasar 立ち寄る Pasar 転じる Pasar 為る Pasar 有る Pasar 発する

2021-07-31 00:23:20


Erick 歴史 @erickrekishi

@narusenaru_2434 私はブラジル人です。 I'm Brazilian ポルトガル語を教えます。 I teach you some Portuguese とても簡単です。 Very easy Ponto (縫う) Ponto (趣旨) Ponto (点) Ponto (句読) Ponto (バス停) Ponto (イヤモニ)

2021-07-30 18:50:25
Erick 歴史 @erickrekishi

@haru_0103xx ポルトガル語辞書に五十ぐらい意味がある 😆 pic.twitter.com/nX2hy971uI

2021-07-31 01:48:17