
Cameron Sewell @Thdark101

I just realized that the kanji for bone, 「骨」, looks like a little skeleton fella, and I can't get over it... pic.twitter.com/wmnLDBGX7D

2023-11-17 02:37:10


Cameron Sewell @Thdark101

31 | Illustrator | Subsists on Sci-Fi sewell.cameron@yahoo.com


dennis. @dennizfm

@Thdark101 Mnemonics for kanji are so great. The kanji for "pull" 引 is a string being pulled, the kanji for "shelf" 棚 is a couple shelves with a little tree 木 next to them.

2023-11-17 02:45:59


Cameron Sewell @Thdark101

@dennizfm It's probably been the most fun of learning kanji so far! Helpful too, memorized a lot that way. This certainly wasn't the first I noticed, but the tiny skeleton was so cute...

2023-11-17 03:31:33

多分これまでで最高に楽しかった漢字学習じゃないかな!この方法は役立つし、たくさん覚えられたよ~ 実際のところ今初めて気付いた訳じゃないけどちっちゃなガイコツがもう可愛くてさ

dennis. @dennizfm

@Thdark101 Yeah it's super helpful, I'm probably not forgetting the kanji for bone anymore lol

2023-11-17 03:43:19


✨meralune @meralune

@dennizfm @Thdark101 I broke down 攀 into 木❌❌木大手 moku batsu batsu moku oote because I couldn’t remember how to write it for the life of me 🤪

2023-11-17 05:20:19

・・・だってこんなのの書き方なんて一生かかっても覚えられないし 🤪

Raden Pak @RadenPak1

@Thdark101 I find some kanji compounds to be fascinating. Take for example: 青春 (せいしゅん) kanji for blue + spring. The meaning? Youth or adolescence. (If you knew that already I’m sorry I just wanted to share)

2023-11-17 06:03:23


Cameron Sewell @Thdark101

@RadenPak1 I did not know that particular one! Though I have learned 青年, which was taught as youth, and I believe I see the connection now! Looking into it, 青 itself is associated as the color of spring, and adolescence? I love learning this.

2023-11-17 06:58:25


ゆり @yuritweet

@Thdark101 @RadenPak1 It’s a term that has its roots in Wuxing Chinese philosophy where age is associated with a color and season; youth is 青春(blue spring), maturity is 朱夏(red summer), middle age is 白秋(white autumn), and old age is 玄冬(black winter).

2023-11-17 09:42:29


Usually Gheric @Artrivus

@Thdark101 I'm sorry... is the word for bone "ho ne"? like... It's so close to just being "bone" in its phoenetics, haha. The little kanji skeleman is great, though. Never gonna forget that one 😂

2023-11-17 03:01:39

それにしてもリトル漢字ガイコツマンは良いね、これなら忘れようがない 😂

Cameron Sewell @Thdark101

@Artrivus A fun one all-around to remember! And yeah, the kun'yomi is ほね, and I believe the on'yomi is コツ

2023-11-17 03:23:02


Jordan Mychal Lemos @jordanarywriter

@Thdark101 @Artrivus I have so desperately tried to understand the difference between the kun'yomi and on'yomi and when to use them, but I just have never got it to stick.

2023-11-17 05:53:11


voidjelly @void_jelly

@jordanarywriter i'm not that advanced but the general rule of thumb i hear is kun if it's kanji+hiragana and on if it's a lone kanji / kanji+kanji

2023-11-17 10:27:47


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